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Merton Walk Plaza
911 Duluth Hwy, Suite B4
(near the Publix Grocery Store at Duluth Hwy and Lawrenceville-Suwanee Road)


Monday-Friday 10:00am-6:00pm
Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm

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Mimi's Pro Alterations
Men's Tailoring

Looking and feeling your best gives you an important edge in your business and private relationships. At Mimi's Pro Alterations, we understand the importance of making a positive impression. And we'll help you to look terrific wherever you go.

Mimi's Pro Alterations offers custom tailoring and alterations to provide you with a distinctive and professional appearance. We are metro Atlanta's premier tailoring and alteration service.

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Shorten Sleeves
Raise Back
Lower Collar
Plain Bottom
Cuff Bottom
Jean Bottoms
Taper Legs
Waist, Seat, and Crotch
Cut Sleeves
Taper Sleeves
Taper Sides
Add Darts
Shorten Sleeves
Center Seem
Reduce or Enlarge Chest
Lower or Adjust Collar
Add or Replace Lining